How to Create Minimalist Style Decoration? 7 Tips to Teach You!

How to Create Minimalist Style Decoration? 7 Tips to Teach You!

People feel tired of life, partly because of survival, and partly because of the complexity of life. Sometimes even one's own realm — home, can make people feel stressed because of the crowded and complicated details.

Therefore, abandoning all unnecessary details, and retaining the most genuine and pure part of life. Minimalism has gradually become the main tone of people's home decoration, expressing people's desire for a simple and comfortable life.

A famous quote by the most renowned modernist architect of the mid-20th century, Mies van der Rohe, "Less is more," can be said to be the central idea of minimalism. Subtracting from design is also subtracting from life, making life simpler and the mind calmer.

In decoration, minimalism emphasizes the purity and simplicity of space, removing unnecessary decorations, simplifying the home space to the extreme, and using light, walls, and other basics to compose space. The benefits of doing this include: it rarely goes out of style, reduces decoration costs, and enlarges the living space! Today, the author will teach you 7 methods to create a minimalist home. Achieve minimalism from seven different dimensions.


Minimalism in design employs minimal decorative effects, with a focus on selecting valuable materials. For example, using wood material can bring warmth to space. If you prefer simplicity and quality, you can choose wood materials from door frames to dining table chairs in the living room, as well as beds and wardrobes in the bedroom. Wood materials come in light, medium, and dark tones, each presenting a different effect. You can choose according to your preferences.

You can also incorporate stone elements, which provide a sturdy effect and create a sense of luxury. Regardless of the material chosen, the aim is to highlight the essence of the space. Even with unified materials, it's essential to consider the consistency of style and color to ensure a more cohesive design.


Minimalism generally adopts black and white as the main tone, which can be complemented by some decorations later on to add color to the space.

In addition to black, white, and gray, spaces can also use wood as the primary material, represented by earthy tones, to increase visual comfort and add warmth to the space.

You can also choose classic high-end gray, which has a unique charm and complements minimalist-style decoration very well.


Minimalism places high demands on storage, which is also a concern for many people who are hesitant to adopt a minimalist style. Minimalist style involves achieving simplicity in the space first, and then organizing storage to highlight overall aesthetics.

You can opt for floor-to-ceiling storage cabinets, which offer a more minimalist design with their seamless appearance. Moreover, they make full use of space, solving storage problems effectively. For cabinet doors, you can choose designs without handles, utilizing mechanisms like push-to-open, recessed handles, or grooves.

Wardrobes can also feature minimalist designs, utilizing floor-to-ceiling cabinets to create a more modern style. Choosing solid colors adds a touch of sophistication to the design.


Minimalism emphasizes clean lines, whether it's furniture or other decorations, they feature sleek and sharp lines, adding a sense of depth and layering to the space. Of course, you can also incorporate some soft curved lines, which prevent the space from feeling too cold and instead bring a hint of softness, enhancing the aesthetics and comfort of the space.

Ceiling designs can also utilize straight lines, which significantly contribute to the overall cleanliness of the space and visually expand it.

5、Light and Shadow

To achieve a spacious effect, the minimalist style also emphasizes the play of light and shadow in the space. Breaking up non-load-bearing walls and replacing them with glass walls can enhance the indoor lighting effect. Alternatively, the use of long rainbow glass with frosted effects can create a soft ambiance. By moving between solidity and void, it showcases the infinite charm of light and shadow.


The design of no main light truly showcases its effectiveness in minimalist style, utilizing spotlights, suspended ceilings, and light strips for illumination. Not only does it enrich the lighting effects, but it also maintains the overall integrity of the space. Hence, it exhibits the characteristic of "light without visible fixtures". With no main light, the lighting emphasizes the localized layering effect, and light strips can also be added inside cabinets to achieve a warm and sophisticated atmosphere, creating a sense of depth.


Minimalism isn't about cluttering every wall; it emphasizes the art of whitespace. Proper use of whitespace not only sparks infinite imagination but also captures another form of artistic beauty. Clean white spaces visually enlarge the room, providing a comfortable and bright effect.